Category: I
Internal connection
A prosthetic connection interface internal to a dental implant platform. Examples include internal hexagon and Morse taper.
Internal bevel incision (syn)
Inverse bevel incision, inverted bevel incision, reverse bevel incision. Blade cut made in a coronal to apical direction, designed to reduce the thickness of gingiva or periimplant mucosa from its internal surface (i.e., sulcular side).
Intermediate abutment
A natural tooth or dental implant located between terminal abutments that provides added stability and retention for the fixed or removable prosthesis.
Between the maxillary and mandibular jaws. Two upper jawbones. Between the two maxillae, as in an intermaxillary suture.
An intracoronal attachment used to segment prosthetic reconstructions. A multitude of interlocking mechanisms can be discovered within a radiology facility, each fulfilling the purpose of impeding the activation of a particular apparatus until a vital safety measure has been duly acknowledged.
Interleukin‐6 (IL‐6)
Lymphokine produced by antigen‐ or mitogen‐activated T cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and other cells that induce differentiation and maturation of B cells and growth of myeloma cells. It activates and induces proliferation of T cells and stimulates synthesis of immunoglobulin and plasma proteins such as fibrinogen.
Interleukin‐4 (IL‐4)
Lymphokine produced by antigen‐ or mitogen‐activated T cells. Its principal role is regulation of IgEand eosinophil‐mediated immune reactions. It stimulates switching of B cells for production of immunoglobulin E (IgE), is a growth and differentiation factor for T cells (particularly helper T cells), is a growth factor for mast cells, and stimulates the expression of…
Interleukins (IL)
A family of potent proteins that serve as a link between inducer and effector cells during immune and inflammatory responses; involved in the recruitment of immune and inflammatory precursor cells. Some interleukins have been implicated in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. A group of naturally occurring proteins and is a subset of a larger group…
Interim prosthesis
A prosthesis typically used before fabrication of a definitive dental or maxillofacial prosthesis. It can be fixed or removable and is designed to enhance esthetics, stabilize teeth, or improve function for a limited time. Such prostheses often help guide the clinician in designing the appearance and function of the final prosthesis. Also known as a…
Interimplant papilla
The soft tissue occupying the interproximal space confined by adjacent implant‐supported fixed partial dentures in contact.