Category: I
Impact strength
The force required to fracture a material.
Internal strangulation
The entrapment of a segment of the intestine in an internal hernia or by adhesion, or through a rent or hiatus in the diaphragm, which leads to vascular compromise with ensuing gangrene.
Involuntary sterilization
Any procedure that renders a legally incompetent person permanently infertile. It is performed only under court order, and only when other less drastic means of preventing unwanted procreation have failed.
Intraluminal coronary artery stent
A stent made of an inert material, usually metallic, with a self-expanding mesh introduced into the coronary artery. It is used to prevent lumen closure (restenosis) following bypass surgery and to treat acute vessel closure after angioplasty.
Intracerebral steal
The shunting of blood from ischemic to well-supplied regions of the brain, producing overperfusion of the unaffected tissue and under perfusion of the ischemic tissue.
Intercalary staphyloma
Staphyloma in the region of the union of the sclera with the periphery of the iris.
Inspiratory standstill
The temporary cessation of inspiration normally following each inspiration, resulting from stimulation of proprioceptors in the alveoli of the lungs.
Inversion stain
A basic stain that, when under the influence of a mordant, acts as an acid stain.
Intravital stain
A nontoxic dye that, when introduced into an organism, selectively stains certain cells or tissues.
Interdental splint
A rigid or flexible device or compound used to support, protect, or immobilize teeth that have been loosened, replanted, fractured, or subjected to surgical procedures.