Category: I
Approximately 20 BMP family members (isoforms) have been identified and characterized. Each isoform is involved in some developmental process, and BMP‐2 has been the most studied isoform for therapeutic purposes in bone regeneration. One of two or more proteins coded independently by different genes, which have identical or nearly identical structures and functions.
An agent capable of inducing functional derangements or organic lesions in tissues. A substance which can irritate. Stimulus, often physical, that causes irritation or inflammation. Any material that causes irritation of a tissue, ranging from nettles (causing pain and swelling) to tear gas (causing watering of the eyes). Chronic irritation by various chemicals can give…
Technique of using a solution, usually physiologic saline, to cool the surgical bur and flush away the surgical debris. Act of flushing an area with a solution. The washing out of a cavity in the body. Washing out of a body part or a wound with water or a medicated solution. The process of washing…
Process by which an organ or tissue is exposed to radiation. The use of high-energy radiation from x-rays, neutrons, and other sources to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation may come from a machine outside the body (external-beam radiation therapy) or from materials called radioisotopes. Radioisotopes produce radiation and can be placed in or…
IQR (abbrev)
Interquartile range.
Belonging to or occurring on the same side of the body. On the same side, contralateral. Located on or affecting the same side of the body. On or affecting the same side of the body: applied particularly to paralysis (or other symptoms) occurring on the same side of the body as the brain lesion that…
The act or process of introducing therapeutic agents into tissues using an electrical current or electrochemical gradient. The therapeutic introduction of ions into the body tissues by direct current. The movement of ions through a biological material when an electric current passes through it. The technique of introducing through the skin, by means of an…
In vivo
Within a living body. In a live animal. In the body. The opposite of in vitro (outside the body or in the laboratory). In the living state, as distinct from in vitro. The testing of a substance or experimentation in (using) a living, whole organism. An in vivo test is one in which an experimental…
In vitro
Outside the living organism or natural system. Usually refers to artificial experimental systems such as cultures or cell‐free extracts. In the laboratory (outside the body). The opposite of in vivo (in the body). Literally ‘in glass’; used to indicate an observation made experimentally in the test-tube, as distinct from the natural living conditions, in vivo.…
The process of covering or enveloping, wholly or in part, an object such as a denture, tooth, wax form, crown, etc. with a suitable investment material before processing, soldering, or casting. Ensheathing, encircling with a sheath or coating, as tissue; surrounding.