Category: I

  • Inflated

    Thin, slightly transparent, swollen as if blown up with air, bladdery. Puffed out like a bladder.  

  • Inferior

    Usually with reference to an ovary that has the calyx above it; Rarely of other flower parts that are inserted below the ovary [not recommended]. A term used in exercise to describe one body part’s position in relation to another. Inferior means below. Grown below some other organ. Describes an ovary located low in a…

  • Inermous

    Unarmed, without spines or thorns.  

  • Inequilateral

    With the two sides unequal.  

  • Ined

    Placed after a taxon name to mean ineditus, ‘unpublished’.  

  • Indusium

    (In ferns) a thin flap of tissue covering the sorus when young (and sometimes also when old); A cup covering the stigma (as in Goodeniaceae). (Of stinkhorns) A lacy veil that hangs down from the cap.  

  • Indurescent

    Becoming hardened.  

  • Indurate, indurated


  • Induplicate

    (In sepals or petals) the margins folded inwards but not overlapping; (In palms) V-shaped in cross-section. With the edges turned inward. Curved inwards but not overlapping or v-shaped in cross-section, usually with reference to margins.  

  • Indument, indumentum

    Indument, indumentum

    Any covering of hairs or scales; indumentum is the preferred term. The covering of plant parts, usually hairs or scales.