Category: I
Interoceptive sensitivity
Having a high conscious awareness of one’s internal physiological activity such as one’s heartbeat activity.
Internal stable attributions
Causal attributions that the target person’s behavior is due to personality, traits, or other internal enduring factors.
Internalizing disorders
Psychological disorders like mood or anxiety disorders that are characterized by an inward expression of pathology. Disorders that revolve around internal struggles and difficulties within oneself are known as internalizing disorders. Depression and anxiety disorders are two prevalent forms of internalizing disorders.
Innate immune system
Also known as the natural immune system, this more primitive but rapid system consists of phagocytic cells, natural killer cells, and various enzymes and serum proteins that are involved in the inflammation process. The component of the immune system that reacts to infectious organisms in a generalized manner is known as the innate immune system.…
A characteristic of an altered or meditative state described as a type of experience that cannot be put into words.
Immune dysregulation
An impaired immune system that overreacts or underreacts to antigens.
Imaginal exposure
A form of exposure therapy such as systematic desensitization where the client confronts phobic imagined images rather than live phobic objects or situations.
Isokinetic exercises
Muscular strength and endurance exercises performed using special equipment that exerts a resistance equal to the force placed on it and that controls the speed of a movement.
Inverse myotatic reflex
Protective mechanism that stops a muscle contraction before the tension is great enough to rip all or part of the tendon from the bone.
Intimate relationships
High degree of closeness that can exist in the form of friendship, relationship, or association.