Category: I

  • Inoculative

    A vector that is carrying or containing a pathogen can be utilized to introduce it into a host plant. It is worth noting that the act of inoculation does not inevitably lead to infection. As a result, the term “inoculation” cannot be considered interchangeable with the term “infective.”  

  • Inoculation threshold period

    the minimum time necessary for a vector to feed on a test plant in order that transmission may occur.  

  • Inoculation feeding time

    The length of time a vector feeds on the test host in transmission experiments.  

  • Inoculation access time

    In transmission experiments, the duration for which a vector is authorized to remain on a test host is referred to as its residency time. However, it should not be assumed that the vector continuously feeds during this period. This is interchangeable with the term test access time, but it should not be confused with inoculation…

  • Infection peg

    A lignituber is an infection peg that appears to be made up of lignin, which is formed through the deposition of various substances such as callose, cellulose, and suberin around a hypha that is penetrating the wall of a living host cell.  

  • Infection court

    The site of invasion of a host by a parasitic organism or virus. Stomatal cavities, wounds and hydathodes may be infection courts for bacterial infection of leaves.  

  • Infected

    The presence of an entity, whether it be a microbe or a virus, which has formed a parasitic bond. It is customary to refer to a plant as being afflicted only once manifestations of ill health have become apparent.  

  • Indicator plant

    A particular organism that exhibits overt signs in response to a specific pathogen or environmental trigger, which is leveraged to identify the presence of the pathogen or the environmental factor. When referring to pathogens, it is analogous to an indicator host.  

  • Indexing

    An approach for revealing the existence of familiar viruses in doubtful flora.  

  • Irrelevant appraisals

    Primary appraisals in Lazarus’s model that the event has no bearing on one’s health or well-being.