Category: H
An excessive development of the genital organs, caused by disturbances in endocrine secretions of the adrenal gland or gonads or by hypothalamic disorders.
The tendency of women to reproduce with men of equal or higher social standing.
An excessive amount of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the blood. It may occur in patients with monoclonal gammopathy, multiple myeloma, and in some chronic infections.
the treatment of a tumor with radiation applied in several small doses several hours apart on the same day instead of in a once-a-day dose. Hyper-fractionation decreases the side effects of delivery and may permit a tumor to be treated with a greater total radiation dose than traditional fractionation.
An increased amount of fibrinogen in the blood; a possible but unproven risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
A tendency of the visual axis to deviate upward and inward owing to muscular imbalance; a form of heterophoria.
Excessive secretion of enzymes, especially the digestive enzymes manufactured by the pancreas.
Overactive or overstimulated; said, for example, of the circulation in cirrhosis, sepsis, and other diseases.
Increased stool frequency without an increase in stool weight above normal. It may be present in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, hyperthyroidism, or proctitis.
The state of having an excessive number of fingers or toes,