Category: H
Human leukocyte antigen matching
In organ transplantation, determining the compatibility of the antigens present on donor organs with those bf the patient who will receive the organ. In general, the more closely the donor and recipient match, the greater the likelihood of a successful graft. Mismatching of organ and recipient increases the chances of organ rejection.
Histrionic mania
Dramatic gestures, expressions, and speech in certain psychiatric states.
Honeycomb lung
An abnormal appearance of the lungs seen on chest x-ray exam, in which small cystic spaces alternate with coarsely increased interstitial markings. This pattern is typical of pulmonary injury caused by inhalation of dusts, minerals, toxic gases, or fibers; rheumatological diseases; and interstitial pneumonitis.
High lithotomy
A lithotomy performed through a suprapubic incision.
Hepaticoduodenal ligament
A fold of peritoneum from the transverse fissure of the liver to the vicinity of the duodenum and right flexure of colon, forming the anterior boundary of the epiploic foramen.
Heterophilic leukocyte
A neutrophilic leukocyte of certain animals whose granules stain with an acid stain.
Horny layer
Outermost layer of the skin, consisting of clear, dead, scale like cells, those of the surface layer being constantly desquamated.
Howship’s lacune
A pit or groove in bone where resorption or dissolution of bone is occurring; usually contains osteoclasts.
Hypotonic labor
Condition in which fewer than one to three contractions occur within 10 min. Hypotonicity usually occurs after the woman has entered the active phase of labor and most often is related to uterine overdistention, fetal macrosomia, multiple pregnancy, or grand multiparity.
Hypertonic labor
Condition in which frequent, painful, but poor-quality contractions fail to accomplish effective cervical effacement and dilation. Hypertonicity usually occurs in the latent phase of labor and most often is related to fetal malpresentation and cephalopelvic disproportion.