Category: H
Habenular nucleus
A nucleus of the diencephalon located in the habenular trigone. It is an olfactory correlation center.
Hensen’s node
A mass of rapidly proliferating cells at the anterior end of the primitive streak of the embryo.
Halo nevus
A papular brown nevus with an oval halo occurring in the first three decades of life. This type of nevus is usually benign, but should be evaluated for malignancy.
Hairy nevus
A nevus covered by a heavy growth of hair. It is usually darkly pigmented.
Hypokalemic nephropathy
Renal damage due to abnormal depletion of potassium, regardless of the basic cause of the electrolyte abnormality. Characteristically, there are multiple vacuoles in microscopic sections of the renal tubular epithelium. Clinically, the patient is unable to concentrate urine. Therapy for the primary cause of the hypokalemia may allow the kidney lesions to become completely reversed.…
Hypercalcemic Nephropathy
Renal damage due to hypercalcemia. It is usually caused by hyperparathyroidism, sarcoidosis, excess intake of vitamin D, excess use of calcium-containing antacids, multiple myeloma, malignant disease, and, occasionally, by immobilization or Paget’s disease.
Histoid neoplasm
Neoplasm in which structure resembles the tissues and elements that surround it.
Habit deformity nail
Disruption of the nail surface by the habit of abrading or stroking that area. This produces a wavy or washboard-like nail surface.
Hyoglossus muscle
A sheet of muscle extending up from the hyoid bone to the ipsilateral base and sides of the tongue. It depresses the sides of the tongue and is innervated by cranial nerve XII (hypoglossal nerve).
Hemic murmur
A sound heard on auscultation of anemic persons without valvular lesions and resulting from an abnormal, usually anemic, blood condition.