Category: G
Gunpowder burn
burn resulting from exploding gunpowder, usually at very close range. It is often followed by tetanus, which should be prevented by administration of antitetanus toxoid and immune globulin and meticulous care of the injury area.
Glossopharyngeal breathing
A technique of breathing in which the patient with inspiratory muscle weakness increases the volume of air breathed in by taking several “gulps” of air, closing the mouth, and forcing air into the lungs.
Gum elastic bougie
A small, flexible instrument used to locate the trachea. It is used as an intubation aid, especially when intubation with standard techniques is difficult.
Glycerin bath
A bath consisting of 10 oz (300 ml) of glycerin added to 30 gal (114 L) water.
Groin bandage
A special bandage that is most easily applied with the patient standing or lying on a pelvic rest. A spica bandage encircles the trunk and the crossing is placed either anteriorly or laterally. To bandage both groins, the double spica is used. Such a double bandage is used principally in applying a plaster cast.
Gustatory audition
Condition in which certain taste sensations are aroused by sound stimuli.
Group atrophy
A change in the appearance of muscle, fibers that have lost their nerve supply; marked by an increase in the size of the motor unit and a decrease in the fibers within to a uniformly small size.
Gastric atony
Lack of muscle tone in the stomach and failure to contract normally, causing a delay in movement of food out of the stomach.
Gestational age assessment
Estimation of the prenatal age of the fetus, typically by reviewing the pregnant woman’s menstrual history, making measurements of fundal height, or by making ultrasonic measurements of fetal parts. This information is essential so that appropriately timed obstetrical care can be provided and the pregnancy’s progress can be compared with normal standards.
Gel mobility shift assay
Electrophoretic study in a gel that permits the identification of interactions between DNA and other molecules, such as receptor proteins.