Category: G
Glycolytic cycle
The cycle by which glucose is broke down in living tissue.
Genesial cycle
The period from puberty to menopause.
Gastric cycle
The progression of peristalsis through the stomach.
Gracey curette
A curet used to remove subgingival calculus from a tooth during periodontal debridement.
Glaucomatous cup
An enlargement of the normal physiological cup due to glaucomatous nerve damage.
Gelatin culture
A culture of bacteria on a gelatin medium.
Gingival cuff
The most coronal portion of the gingiva around the tooth.
Gluteofemoral crease
The crease that bounds the inferior border of the buttocks.
Genital corpuscle
An encapsulated sensory nerve ending resembling a pacinian corpuscle that is found in the skin of the external genitalia and nipples.
Gingival contour
The normal arching appearance of the gingiva along the cervical part of the teeth and rounding off toward the attached gingiva.