Category: G
In the central nervous system, a swollen astrocyte with an eccentric nucleus, seen adjacent to areas of edema or infarct.
Gemella morbillorum
A gram-positive coccus formerly classified in the genus Streptococcus; it is a cause of septic arthritis, endocarditis, oral abscesses, and peritonitis.
A hard lump that is so firm as to appear frozen. It occurs especially in muscle tissue.
In arthritis, becoming stiff and fixed in any position in which movement does not occur for a prolonged period.
The transformation of a colloid from a sol into a gel.
Metalloproteinases that cleave gelatin, or nondenatured collagen. Two forms of gelatinase, A and B, have been identified. Gelatinase A (MMP-2) has a molecular weight of about 72,000, and gelatinase B (MMP-9) has a molecular weight of about 92,000. Both are involved in cancer angiogenesis and metastasis and are blocked by a variety of naturally occurring…
To look or stare intently in one direction.
Gay bowel syndrome
Infectious diarrhea, condyloma acuminata, hemor rhoids, anal fissures, and/or sexually transmitted proctitis in men who have receptive anal intercourse, especially those infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.
Gauss sign
An unusual mobility of the uterus in the early weeks of pregnancy.
A glovelike bandage that fits the hand and fingers.