Category: G
Gravitational ulcer
This type of skin ulcer is known as a lower extremity ulcer, and it typically develops in the lower parts of the body. The most common location is the lower leg, and it is often associated with varicose veins as a common cause.
Granulomatous lung disease
This is a condition where one or multiple granulomas (collections of inflamed tissue) form in the lungs. In specific diseases like Churg-Strauss syndrome and Wegener’s granulomatosis, both granulomas and vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels) occur simultaneously. Additional conditions arise due to the immune system reacting to foreign substances or infectious agents. These conditions can…
Grand multipara
The term “grand multipara” refers to a pregnant woman who has experienced five or more previous pregnancies that resulted in live births. In any subsequent pregnancy, a grand multipara woman is considered to be at a higher risk for various conditions, such as anemia, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes mellitus, placenta previa, malpresentation, prolonged labor,…
Gonadotrophin hormones
Gonadotropins are hormones responsible for stimulating cell activity in the ovaries and testes. They play a vital role in fertility. The primary gonadotropins include follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are secreted by the pituitary gland. Additionally, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), produced by the placenta during pregnancy, is another important gonadotropin. Some gonadotropins…
Goldberg-Maxwell syndrome
Male pseudohermaphroditism is a common form of biological intersex condition in which the external genitalia of a genetic male resemble those of a female. Individuals affected by this condition have testes, but their penis is small, and their scrotum is divided, resembling labia.
Gluteus maximus
The gluteus maximus is the large, strong muscle located in each buttock, contributing to their rounded appearance. This muscle is responsible for the sideways and backward movement of the thigh.
Glucocorticoids are a collection of corticosteroid hormones created by the outer layer, or cortex, of the adrenal glands. They influence the chemical degradation of carbohydrates, elevating the blood sugar level and augmenting the storage of glycogen in the liver. These hormones also empower the body to react appropriately to physical stress. Inflammatory conditions can be…
Glomus tumour
A glomus tumor presents as a small, blueish bump in the skin, typically located on a finger or toe, near or underneath the nail. The bump is sensitive to touch and can be more painful if the limb is exposed to hot or cold temperatures. These tumors arise from the excessive growth of nerve structures…
The term ‘global’ refers to a condition that impacts an entire bodily function or system. For instance, global aphasia denotes the total loss of abilities to speak, write, or comprehend language; global paralysis signifies severe muscle weakness across the entire body, potentially leading to a complete inability to move.
Glass test
This is a method to check for meningitis which entails pressing a clear glass against a skin rash. If the rash is still osbervable through the glass, it could potentially be a type of purpura, a condition involving blood leakage beneath the skin, which is occasionally associated with meningitis.