Category: G

  • Granite

    Rock type: intruded igneous crystalline rock. The food being described is a type of frozen dessert that is made by freezing a thin fruit syrup until it reaches a granular texture. It is similar to sherbet in its appearance and texture.  

  • Graminaceous


    Relating to grasses or grain-bearing plants.  

  • Grain


    General term for the fruit of cereals (grasses cultivated for food); A small, rounded body (e.g. about the shape and size of a grain of rice). A unit of weight equal to 64.8 mg. A dry, 1-seeded fruit in which the fruit wall is fused to the seed (grasses). A small rounded body about the…

  • Grade into

    Gradually change from one state to another.  

  • Grade

    Group of plants (or animals) that are similar in some features but that do not necessarily form a phyletic group, especially an unnatural, or polyphyletic, group; A set of organisms that have reached a similar stage in a recognisably progressive evolutionary trend. To classify foods into different categories based on their quality characteristics or attributes,…

  • Gradation

    Gradual change.  

  • Gourd


    A fleshy many-seeded fruit of one carpel with parietal placenta (as in Cucurbitaceae). Although many people still pronounce gourd so that it rhymes with moored or steward, it is becoming more common to hear it pronounced so that it rhymes with sword. This shift in pronunciation is, naturally, a source of consternation for men who…

  • Gonophore

    (In flowers) an elongation of the axis beyond the calyx and corolla that bears stamens and ovaries. A gonad-bearing structure.  

  • Gondwana


    Great southern supercontinent that began to break up about 100 million years ago and that included South America, Africa, Arabia, India, Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand; Indian word, meaning ‘land of the Gond’ (so Gondwanaland is a tautonym). The supercontinent in the Southern Hemisphere formed after the breakup of Pangaea 200 million years ago; it…

  • Gnarled


    Twisted, mis-shapen.