Category: G
An unspecified covering of the gynoecium; (Of orchid flowers) (misapplied, in the sense of gynostemium) the column of an orchid, the male and female parts combined [not recommended]; (In more derived subfamilies of Apocynaceae) a compound structure comprising the staminal column and the stylar head.
A stalk carrying the ovary (formed by elongation of the receptacle) (e.g. in Capparaceae). A peculiar stalk under a pistil.
With female and bisexual flowers on the same plant.
Gynoecium, gynaecium
The female element of a flower, the pistil(s) (gynoecium is the preferred spelling). Name for the pistils when taken altogether. The female element of a flower, the pistil, consisting of an ovary, style and stigmas.
(Of a species) with some plants bearing only bisexual flowers and others female flowers.
When the style rises apparently from the base of the ovary (as in Labiatae/Lamiaceae) rather than from the apex.
Enlarged receptacle on which the pistil is inserted. A special support for the pistils.
Stamens being partially united with pistil. Where the stamens are borne on the pistil.
Structure with stamens attached to the pistil, (partly) fused androecium and gynoecium.
(In Cyperaceae) with male and female flowers on the same spike or spikelet, the female above the male.