Category: G

  • Glycolysis

    The first sequence of reactions in glucose metabolism, leading to the formation of two molecules of pyruvic acid from each glucose molecule. The breakdown of glucose to simpler compounds such as lactic acid; occurs in muscle. The energy pathway responsible for the initial catabolism of glucose in a 10- or 11-step process that begins with…

  • Glycocholic acid

    One of the bile acids.  

  • Glycerol

    A trihydric alcohol, (CIT2OH-CHOH- CH201T), also known as glycerine. Simple or neutral fats are esters of glycerol with three molecules of fatty acid, i.e. triacylglycerols, sometimes known as triglycerides. A three-carbon monosaccharide that, when phosphorylated, provides the backbone for the synthesis of triglycerides. Glycerol is a water-soluble, 3-carbon alcohol molecule with hydroxyl groups attached to…

  • Glycation

    A non-enzymic reaction between glucose and amino groups in proteins, resulting in formation of a glycoprotein; the basis of many of the adverse effects of poor glycaemic control in diabetes. The binding of a sugar molecule to an amino acid. In hyperglycemia and poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, sugar molecules become attached to cell surface proteins…

  • Glycaemic index

    The ability of a carbohydrate to increase blood glucose, compared with an equivalent amount of glucose. Glycaemic load is the product of multiplying the amount of carbohydrate in the food by the glycaemic index.  

  • Gluten-sensitive enteropathy

    Coeliac disease. Characterized by the gastrointestinal intolerance to the proteins in wheat, rye, oats, and barley. Also known as nontropicalsprue, celiac disease, and idiopathic steatorrhea.  

  • Gluten-free foods

    Gluten-free foods

    Formulated without any wheat or rye protein (although the starch may be used) for people suffering from coeliac disease.  

  • Gluten

    The protein complex in wheat, and to a lesser extent rye, which gives dough the viscid property that holds gas when it rises. There is none in oats, barley, or maize. It is a mixture of two proteins, gliadin and glutelin. Allergy to, or intolerance of, gliadin gluten is coeliac disease. Protein from the endosperm…

  • Glucuronides

    A variety of compounds are metabolised by conjugation with glucuronic acid to yield water-soluble derivatives for excretion from the body. The combination of glucuronic acid with phenol, alcohol, or any acid containing the carboxyl, COOH, group.  

  • Glucosides

    Complexes of substances with glucose. The general name for such complexes with other sugars is glycosides. A plant compound containing a glucose and another substance, the bioactive part. A special-case glycoside. A glycoside that on hydrolysis yields a sugar, glucose, and one or two additional products. Glucosides are numerous and widely distributed in plants. Many…