Category: G
The spore-producing tissue, or spore mass, within the peridium of a gasteromycete.
Germ pore
(Of spores) The differentiated tip on a spore where the spore wall is so thin it appears as if a hole or opening is present; the place through which the germ tube often extends upon spore germination.
One of a group of diverse basidiomycetes that develop spores inside spore cases and do not actively discharge their spores, for example, puffballs, stinkhorns, and bird’s nest fungi.
Abnormal enlargement of breast tissue in men. The development of the breasts when physiologically inappropriate. Inappropriate development of the mammary glands in males. Abnormal enlargement of the breasts of a male, generally resulting from too much of the female sex hormone estrogen. Temporary swelling of a male’s breasts can occur in newborns (from hormones from…
Guthrie test
A test used on babies to detect the presence of phenylketonuria. A medical test used in screening for phenylketonuria, routinely given (often by law) to most newborns. A routine screening test for phenylketonuria in newborns consisting of placing a small amount of blood on filter paper to detect the presence of excessive phenylalanine in the…
Pertaining to substances causing goiters.
A tiny hall of microscopic blood vessels on the end of the renal tubules. A group of tiny blood vessels within the nephron of the kidney. A group of blood vessels which filter waste matter from the blood in a kidney. Glomeruli, cluster, especially the network of blood capillaries, contained in Bowman’s capsule of a…
Having the semblance of a socket. Shaped like a small shallow cup or socket. Resembling a socket of a joint; the depressed or indented articular surface. The term applied to the shallow socket on the shoulder-blade into which the humerus fits, forming the shoulder-joint. This term refers to something that is “pit or socket-like.” For…
Giemsa Stain
A process of staining bacteria for identification. Demonstration of spirochaetes, flagella etc. by overnight staining with dilute alkaline Giemsa stain, after fixation in osmic acid vapour. A solution for staining microorganisms such as protozoa, rickettsiae, and viral inclusion bodies, to make them detectable in laboratory samples. A mixture of methylene blue and eosin, used for…
Surgical removal of all or part of the stomach; it is usually done to stop hemorrhage from an ulcer or to remove a chronic ulcer or cancer. A partial gastrectomy is the removal of part of the stomach, and a total gastrectomy is the removal of the entire stomach. A partial removal is most commonly…