Category: G
In biology, pre-sexual stage in plasmodia, formed in definitive host’s bloodstream. A cell which is developing into a gamete. Any of the cells that are in the process of developing into gametes by undergoing gametogenesis. A cell of the ovary or testis that will divide to produce an ovum or spermatozoa.
Gametic mutation
A mutation of a germ cell.
Gamete transfer
A procedure in which a mature egg is placed in a woman’s fallopian tube together with a sperm sample for fertilization.
A general term applied to any cell or organ in which gametes are formed is usually restricted to reproductive bodies of lower plants in which the sex organs are alike.
Games (Simulation)
In psychology, conditions are simulated and trainees make decisions that produce various outcomes that create new situations requiring further decisions.
In sociology, the close, personal relationships within the primary social group or within a primary community.
Gamblers anonymous
A voluntary organization made up of ex-gamblers whose purpose is to assist its members to resist the urge to gamble. Fellowship based on the Twelve Step Program, designed to help persons unable to control their desire to gamble. An organization, founded in the US in 1957 and established in the UK in 1964, that seeks…
In politics, balconies over chamber from which visitors may view proceedings of the legislature.
Galea aponeurotica
The fibrous aponeurosis connecting the occipitalis muscle posteriorly and the frontalis anteriorly and covering the skull. The tissue underlying the scalp.
A genetic defect characterized by the inability to metabolize. Galactosemia is an inborn error of metabolism that results in an accumulation of galactose in the blood, tissue, and urine. Galactosemia is caused by an autosomal recessive gene, and heterozygotes for the trait exhibit reduced enzyme activity. Three types are known, each due to a specific…