Category: G
A physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of problems of the stomach and intestines, gastroenterology. Specialist in disorders of stomach and intestines. A doctor who specialises in the digestive system and its disorders. A medical physician who specializes in treating disorders of the digestive system, especially the stomach and intestines. Physician who specializes…
The large muscle that forms the calf of the leg. Superficial muscle in the back of the leg that forms the greater part of the calf. A muscle that forms the greater part of the calf of the leg. It flexes the knee and foot (so that the toes point downward). The large double muscle…
Gastric juice
A mixture of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes secreted by the glands in the lining of the stomach. The mixture of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, intrinsic factor and mucus secreted by the cells of the lining membrane of the stomach to help the digestion of food. Secretions given off by the gastric glands of the stomach…
Gastric digestion
That part of the digestive process that takes place in the stomach, gastric. Process of breaking down food (especially protein) in the stomach through the action of chemicals in the gastric juice.
Gastric aspiration
A technique used to determine the contents of the stomach, gastric.
Pertains to the arteries. Named for Gasser, a sixteenth century Austrian surgeon.
Gas gangrene
A disease originating in a wound infected with Clostridium perfringens, resulting in rapid local tissue destruction and death of the person. A complication of severe wounds in which the bacterium Clostridium welchii breeds in the wound and then spreads to healthy tissue which is rapidly decomposed with the formation of gas. Form of gangrene in…
Gaseous phase
That portion of tobacco smoke containing carbon monoxide and several other physiologically active gases, particulate phase.
Condiments added to foods. A food added to main dishes for decorative purposes or as an added source of nutrients.
Gardnerella vaginitis
A bacterial infection producing a thin odorous discharge in the genitalia.