Category: G
Glia cell
Neuroglia glial cell. Cells that surround the neurons in the brain and that help form the blood-brain barrier; astrocytes (a star-shaped neurological cell with many branching processes). Neuroglia cells, including astrocytes, oligodendroglia (oligoglia), and microglia.
Glenohumeral joint
The shoulder joint.
Dazzling light. A long stare that expresses a negative emotion such as anger. An uncomfortably or dazzlingly bright light. Scattered bright light when examining something with a microscope. A condition causing temporary blurring of vision with possible permanent injury to the retina. The condition is caused by intense light (visible radiation) emanating from highly reflective…
Glans penis
The head of the penis. The highly sensitive part of the penis, glans clitoris. The cone-shape expanded end of the corpus cavernosa of the penis. The urethral orifice is at the tip of the glans, and the foreskin (prepuce) covers the glans (to a variable extent) in uncircumcised males.
Glans clitoris
The head of the clitoris glans penis.
Gland like part, especially that at the end of the clitoris or penis. A rounded part at the end of the penis or clitoris. The acorn-shaped end part of the penis, formed by the expanded end of the corpus spongiosum (erectile tissue). It is normally covered by the prepuce (foreskin), unless this has been removed…
Glands of bartholin
Two small glands located on each side of the vaginal orifice that provide a lubricating fluid during sexual arousal.
Glanders disease
A vector-borne disease.
A male prostitute who services women.
An inherited condition that results in extremely large stature. It is caused by inheritance of genes for height and abnormal endocrine secretions resulting in the lack of closure of the epiphysis of long bones, and the eosinophil cells of the anterior pituitary gland secrete an excess of the principal growth hormone. A condition in which…