Category: G
In psychology, a commodity or condition capable of reducing or eliminating a drive. In health planning, a quantified statement of a desired future state or condition, such as an infant mortality of loss than 20 per thousand live births, a physician to population ratio greater than four per thousand, or average access time for emergency…
A substance that hydrolyzes glycogen to glucose, glycogenolysis.
The formation of glycogen from glucose or from other monosaccharides, e.g., fructose or galactose. The process by which glucose is converted into glycogen in the liver. Formation of glycogen from glucose. The biochemical process, occurring chiefly in the liver and in muscle, by which glucose is converted into glycogen. The formation of glycogen from glucose.…
Glycerol. A colourless viscous sweettasting liquid present in all fats. A trihydric alcohol, trihydroxy-propane, present in chemical combination in all fats. It is a syrupy colorless liquid, soluble in all proportions in water and alcohol. It is made commercially by the hydrolysis of fats, especially during the manufacture of soap, and is used extensively as…
Of or near the buttocks. Referring to the buttocks. The region of the buttock and the structures situated in it, such as the gluteal muscles, arteries, and nerves. The term “gluteal” refers to anything related to the buttocks, for instance, the gluteal muscles.
An enzyme that catalyzes conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate. An enzyme, found in the liver, that catalyzes the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate. This is the first stage of glycolysis. An enzyme in liver cells that, in the presence of ATP, catalyzes the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate. This is the first step in glycolysis,…
Sugar producing.
Glove anesthesia
Loss of sensation in the hand but retaining full sensation in the arm above the wrist. Often seen in conversion disorders.
Globus hysterica
A choking sensation in the throat; at one time, a common complaint in hysterical or conversion reactions.
Global trends
Forecasted developments that have an impact on the entire world, such as geopolitics, hunger, and population.