Category: G
Going rate
In business, the amount being paid in an area or industry for similar work.
Going in drag
Dressing in female attire, usually with extensive makeup, by a male. These males may be homosexual.
A slang term referring to methamphetamine.
Goal setting
A form of behavior that is directed toward the achievement of a particular goal: goal seeking. The identification of long-term and short-term goals that helps you decide what you want out of life.
Goal seeking
Behavior directed toward the achievement of a particular goal or objective.
Goal-oriented appraisal
MBO appraisal.
Goal integration
Compatibility between individual and organizational objectives.
Goal-free evaluation
Inferring the goals of a project from observations and measures of what has occurred as a result of the project. These goals, and the success with which they have been achieved, are compared with the intended goals.
Goal-based evaluation
The use of goals of the project as a basis for evaluation and for determining whether they have been met goal-free evaluation.
Goal-attainment model of evaluation
One of two major approaches to evaluation which views evaluation as a measure of the degree of success or failure encountered by a program uses program goals to measure outcomes, goal-based evaluation.