Category: G
Governmental health agency
An organization concerned with some aspect of health that is tax supported and controlled by local, state, or federal government, voluntary health agency.
Good samaritan law
Pertains to state laws that protect a person from liability lawsuits who assist a victim of an accident or sudden illness. State laws that offer immunity from legal liability to health care professionals who volunteer to offer emergency care in a good-faith effort to help a person who is injured or otherwise debilitated by a…
Good continuation
A factor in visual grouping where contours tend to be perceived with little change in their direction.
Pertaining to gonorrhea.
The specific etiologic agent of gonorrhea discovered by Neisser and named Neisseria gonorrhea. A type of bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoea, which causes gonorrhoea. Infectious agent in the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the gram-negative diplococcus that causes gonorrhea. The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae is responsible for causing gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection affecting the genitals and…
Gonococcal pharyngitis
Inflammation of the throat caused by gonorrheal infection.
Gonococcal endocarditis
Inflammation of the heart valve resulting from gonorrheal infection.
Gonococcal dermatitis
Skin inflammation resulting from gonorrheal infection.
Gonococcal arthritis
Inflammation of the joints of the body resulting from gonorrheal infection. Arthritis, often with tenosynovitis and/or rash, caused by gonococcal infection. The joints of the knees, wrists, and hands are most commonly affected. The disease may affect any sexually active person and may follow infection of a mucous membrane by gonorrhea. This presentation of gonorrhea…
Pertaining to the bacterium that causes gonorrhea.