Category: G
Grandfather clause
In law and politics, laws providing new or additional professional qualifications often contain a exempting persons presently practicing the affected profession from having to comply.
Grandeur (Delusion)
In psychology, a condition characterized by a person falsely believing that he or she is a person of great renown, delusion.
Grammar school
Generally considered to be elementary school (grades K-6).
A structural characteristic of all languages; the of human languages include phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic rules.
Grain neutral spirits
Ethyl alcohol distilled to the purity of 190 proof or 95% alcohol.
Grain alcohol
Alcohol made from the fermentation of a cereal grain. Often used in reference to an alcohol product that is virtually pure ethyl alcohol absolute alcohol.
Graicunas formula
In business management, a formula that makes the span of management point as the number of a manager’s subordinates increases arithmetically, the number of possible relationships between the manager and those subordinates increases geometrically.
An acronym for generally recognized as honestly labeled, GRAE; GRAS.
Grafenberg spot
An extremely sensitive area on the front wall of the vagina about 1 in into the opening. There is some controversy about the existence of the as it cannot be located in all women.
Graduation requirements
Courses required of all students for graduation.