Category: G
Pertains to the number of pregnancies a woman has had, gravid. The total number of a woman’s pregnancies.
In psychology, a source of pleasure or satisfaction.
Graphic scale
In business and industry, a performance appraisal.
In business and industry, a network of informal organizational communication. The may spread gossip, secrets, and other forms of information not publically available.
Granuloma inguinale
A sexually transmitted disease affecting the anus and genitals in which the skin becomes covered with ulcers, usually occurring in the tropics. Sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Calymmatobacterium granulomatis and characterized by a pimply rash that develops into ulcers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the genital and groin region. Treatment is…
Granuloma cells
The cells lining the ovarian follicle that enlarge and form the corpus luteum.
An award of money or direct assistance to- perform activities or programs in which the outcome is seen as less certain than that from a contract, with expected results described in general terms. Application can be submitted without having been solicited or through a program announcement (request for application, RFA). Most federal grants fall into…
Grandma’s rule
Premack principle.
Grand mal seizures
The most dramatic form of epilepsy characterized by visual or olfactory hallucinations called the aura, muscular movements of the mouth, numbness, tingling, or twitching of muscles. The person may fall, cry, lose consciousness, and have uncontrolled contractions of the muscles of the extremities. Seizures usually last up to 5 min.
Grand mal epilepsy
A severe form of epilepsy involving periodic loss of consciousness and violent generalized convulsions.