Category: G
Guide chart-profile method (Job evaluation)
Compensable factors used to evaluate positions. A method used in business and industry.
In Spanish, literally means “penis at twelve.” A group of 46, XY individuals in the Dominican Republic who, because of an inherited disorder in the production of androgen, are born with female looking external genitals but become masculinized at puberty.
A legal process whereby another person assumes responsibility for managing an incompetent person’s affairs. A legal arrangement by which a person or institution assumes responsibility for an individual. When guardians are appointed, the individuals receiving the care are presumed to be incompetent and unable to care for themselves.
Guaranteed renewable
A health insurance policy that states that the insured has the right to continue the policy in force by the payment of premiums to a specific age, during which period the insurance company has no right, on its own, to alter the provisions of the policy.
Guaranteed annual wage (GAW)
An agreement whereby an employer guarantees a certain number of weeks of employment.
Guaiac test
A test to detect microscopic presence of blood in the feces that may be an early sign of colon cancer. A test for unseen blood in stool.
Growth substance
A synthetic chemical that affects growth.
Growth needs
Self-actualization needs.
Growth motivation
In psychology, behavior designed to overcome weaknesses.
Growth medium
In bacteriology, a substance containing appropriate nutrients for growing bacteria.