Category: G
An individual in which one part of the body is female and another part is male. A sex mosaic.
Guthrie blood test
A test given to infants to detect the presence of phenylketonuria. Routinely given to all new born infants.
Marijuana originating in Africa or Jamaica.
A lesion formed during the late stages of syphilis. An abscess of dead tissue and overgrown scar tissue, which develops in the later stages of syphilis. Soft tumor— a granuloma—characteristic of the tertiary stage of syphilis and found in the liver, brain, or other tissues. A firm, tumorlike growth of the tissues, which is called…
In dentistry, an infection related to a decayed tooth or irritation from a denture. Characterized by red and swollen gum tissue and may contain pus. Abscess of the (gum) and tooth root resulting from injury, infection, or dental decay. The gums are usually red, swollen, and painful. Treatment includes antibiotics, special mouthwashes, and sometimes incision…
Guillain-barre syndrome
An uncommon, often temporary paralysis that results from exposure to certain influenza viruses or vaccinations. A nervous disorder in which, after a non-specific infection, demyelination of the spinal roots and peripheral nerves takes place, leading to generalised weakness and sometimes respiratory paralysis. Guillain-Barre syndrome is an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. It is an acquired neurological…
Guideline method (Job evaluation)
In business and industry, salaries are established to reflect the current market prices of positions. An objective and systematic approach to evaluating the value of a particular job to an organization.
Guided imagery
In psychology, the process of visualizing oneself responding in a positive and controlled way to a stressor. The application of relaxation techniques and mental visualization with the aim of enhancing mood and/or promoting physical well-being.
Guided experience
In business and industry, a variety of approaches to individual development, especially job-rotation assignment.
Guided discovery
In education, a method of teaching in which the student is free to explore with directions from the teacher.