Category: G
Group insurance
Any insurance plan by which a number of employees of an employer (and their dependents), or members of a similar homogeneous group, are insured under a single policy, issued to their employer or the group with individual certificates of insurance given to each insured individual or family. Individual employees may be insured automatically by virtue…
Grandfather clause or provision
A clause or provision of law that permits continued eligibility or coverage for individuals or organizations receiving program benefits under the law despite a change in the law which would otherwise make them ineligible; or in some other manner exempts a person, organization or thing from a change in law which would otherwise effect it.…
Graduate medical education
Medical education given after receipt of the M.D. or equivalent degree, including the education received as an intern, resident or fellow, and continuing education. This use contrasts with that in general education where graduate education refers to graduate school education leading to a masters, doctoral or equivalent degree (called undergraduate medical education in medicine). It…
Grace period
A specified period, after a premium payment is due on an insurance policy, in which the policyholder may make such payment, and during which the protection of the policy continues.
Originally an acronym for ”God only really knows,” and then used by house-staff for patients whose problems were so mysterious as to defy diagnosis. It has now lost all connection with its original meaning and is used offensively to describe patients who are, and are likely to remain, comatose.
Generic equivalents
Drug products with the same active chemical ingredients sold under the same generic name but often with different brand names. Generic equivalents are often assumed to be, but are not necessarily, therapeutic equivalents. The term has such inconsistent meaning that it must be used with care or avoided. A drug sold under its chemical (generic)…
General revenue
Government revenues raised without regard to the specific purpose for which they might be used. Federal general revenues come principally from personal and corporate income taxes and some excise taxes. State general revenues come primarily from personal income and sales taxes. Most proposed national health insurance programs would be financed in part from general revenues…
Generally recognized as safe
One of the conditions which a drug must fulfill if it is not to be considered as a new drug: or a food must fulfill if it is not to be considered as a food additive. A drug which is GRAS and GRAE need not go through the pre-market approval procedures prescribed in the Federal…
Generally recognized as effective
One of the conditions which a drug must fulfill if it is not to be considered a new drug, and thus not subject to the pre-market approval requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. To be generally recognized as effective, the drug must be so considered by ”experts qualified by scientific training and…
Hairy tongue.