Category: F
To occur suddenly; to have a rapid or explosive onset. Said of some diseases.
Full width half maximum
The width of a peak or the bandpass of an emission or absorption spectrum in a laboratory photometer or spectrophotometer. When combined with other characteristics of the device, this can be used to predict suitability of the photometer or spectrophotometer for specific applications and measurements.
A movement in massage: kneading with the limb held between the hands, rolling it backward and forward. Form of petrissage in which the tissue is grasped, gently lifted, and spread out; used mainly for massaging the arms.
Full-field digital mammography
The enhancement of mammographic imaging of the breast with computer software that improves the resolution of the image and the visibility of lesions.
Destruction of tissue by means of long high-frequency electric sparks.
To destroy or remove tissue by means of fulguration.
Coming and going intensely like a flash of light, or a shooting pain.
Fukuyama disease
A rare autosomal recessive muscular dystrophy found almost exclusively in people of Japanese descent, in which muscular weakness, inability to walk, micropolygyria, and mental retardation are common.
The movement of white blood cells away from chemical or biochemical signaling chemicals, such as chemokines; chemorepulsion.
Fuel source
A flammable substance that provides energy.