Category: F
Pertaining to or of the nature of feces.
Facial nerve
The 7th cranial nerve. The facial nerve has two parts, the larger motor root which may be called the facial nerve proper, and the smaller intermediate or sensory root. Together they provide efferent innervation to the muscles of facial expression and to the lacrimal and salivary glands, and convey afferent information for taste from the…
Flattened parallel to the longitudinal axis [vague term].
Fleshy part of a stone fruit or drupe [unusual term, not recommended].
Fusoid cells
Somewhat fusiform, spindle-shaped.
Joined together into a whole. Petals, sepals, or other parts attached to one another, forming a single, usually tubular, structure. Fruits are sometimes fused, as in Rubus and Castilla species.
Dusky brown, dark grey-brown.
With dense long hairs.
Furrowed (stems)
(Of bark) with longitudinal grooves or channels. Having longitudinal channels or grooves along the stem. With longitudinal grooves. Marked by longitudinal grooves.
Scurfy, with small soft scales. Referring to skin which is scaly. Describing scaling of skin in which the scales resemble bran or dandruff.