Category: F
The axis or pivot point of a lever. The object or point on which a lever moves. Tomography employs a pivotal juncture or rotational axis to facilitate the movement of the X-ray tube and the film tray.
Frontal surface area
In water exercise, this represents the total area of the surface of the body as moved against the resistance of the water.
Frontal resistance
Resistance that results from the horizontal forces of the water as the body or body part moves through the water.
Frontal plane
Any plane passing longitudinally through the body from side to side at right angles to the median plane. It divides the body into front and back parts. An imaginary longitudinal plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior halves. The anatomical plane of the body that divides the body in front and back, ventral…
Frontal axis
The axis that extends horizontally from one side of the body to the other side at about waist height.
Frequency of training
How often you should exercise or train.
Freely movable joint
Also known as synovial joint, the bones are held together by synovial membranes. The joint cavity is filled with synovial fluid that allows movement to occur with minimal friction.
Forward head
The mastoid process landmark is anterior to the lateral line of gravity.
Form cue
A signal to participants to take note of body alignment and technique.
Footwork cue
A transitional cue that provides detailed movement cues specific to the lower body, usually expressed as left or right.