Category: F
Reciprocol of viscosity.
Flower crops as foods
Artichoke, Broccoli and Cauliflower.
Flow chart or diagram
One of the seven Tools of Quality to break down the processing operation, showing the various unit operations or steps of the process for further discussion and evaluation.
Flow chart
Step by step depiction of the unit operations in the processing of a food product.
Florentine (la)
A method of preparation of food used mainly for fish and eggs that are set in a bed of spinach and stewed in butter and covered with mornay sauce and sprinkled with cheese prior to serving. An adjective that characterizes diverse dishes incorporating or ornamented with spinach, typically minced finely or blended into a puree.…
The process of forming larger masses from a large number of finer suspended particles. The coagulation of finely divided particles or colloidal particles into larger particles that precipitate. Precipitation presenting as a suspended mass of downy particles. Reaction in which material that is normally invisible in a solution forms a suspension or precipitate as a…
Flexible packages
Containers, usually made from laminated plastic materials, which bend and change shapes depending on internal and external pressures.
Flavor profile
A method of defining flavor in terms of characteristic notes or after taste effects.
Flavoring agents
Substances added to foods to enhance or change their taste.
An attribute of foods, beverages, and seasonings resulting from the stimulation of taste and odor senses. A common term to describe the sensation aroused by taste testing a product. The quality of a substance that affects the sense of taste. It may also stimulate the sense of smell.