Category: F
Food efficiency
An index of the number of calories an individual needs to ingest to maintain a given weight or percent body fat.
First law of thermodynamics or the law of conservation of energy
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only change in form.
Field test
A performance-based test that can be conducted anywhere, and that estimates the values measured by the criterion test.
Fick equation
An equation used to calculate cardiac output from oxygen consumption (VO2,) and arteriovenous oxygen difference (a-vO2,diff).
Female athlete triad
A syndrome of interrelated conditions including disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, and skeletal demineralization. Disordered eating, absence of menstruation, and loss of bone mass, which may occur in female athletes. The number of girls participating in sports has increased tremendously in the past three decades. However, in recent years a new concern has arisen with the…
Fatigue Index (FI)
Percentage of peak power drop-off during high-intensity, short-duration work.
Fat-free weight
The weight of body tissue excluding extract-able fat.
Fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG, Type FLA or Ila)
Fibers Fast-twitch muscle fibers that can work under oxidative and glycolytic conditions.
Fast glycolytic (FG, TypeHXor IIx) fibers
Fast-twitch muscle fibers that perform primarily under glycolytic conditions.
Fartlek workout
A type of training session, named from the Swedish word meaning “speed play,” that combines the aerobic demands of a continuous run with the anaerobic demands of sporadic speed intervals.