Category: F
A gene in com/maize (Zea mays L.) that (when present in the DNA of a given plant) causes that plant to produce seed that contains higher-than-traditional levels of the amino acids methionine and tryptophan.
Flavin-linked dehydrogenases
Dehydrogenases are enzymes (involved in removing hydrogen atoms from their substrate) which require one of the riboflavin coenzymes, FMN or FAD, in order to function.
Flavin nucleotides
Nucelotide coenzymes (FMN and FAD) containing riboflavin.
Flanking sequence
A segment of DNA molecule that either precedes or follows the region of interest on the molecule.
A protein-based, flexible, whip-like organ of locomotion found on some microorganisms. With these, microorganisms are able to swim. Flagella are usually very long and there are usually only one or two per cell. The tails of sperm cells are examples of flagella. Flagella are used in the swimming motion of bacteria towards sources of nutrients…
Filler epithelial cells
Skin cells that initially form under a scab in the wound healing process, in response to stimulation by epidermal growth factor (EGF).
Field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE)
A chromatographic procedure for the separation of a mixture of molecules by means of a two dimensional electrical field, applied across a gel matrix containing those molecules. For example, FIGE is commonly used to separate mixtures of large DNA molecules by their size and (electrical) charge. FIGE can be used to separate (resolve) DNA molecules…
Fibrinolytic agents
Blood-borne compounds that activate fibrin in order to dissolve blood clots.
The union of the (haploid) male and (haploid) female germ cells (sex cells or gametes) to produce a diploid zygote. Fertilization marks the start of development of a new individual (organism), the beginning of cell differentiation. The process by which the pollen causes the embryo to become fertile. Conception. The union of an egg (ovum)…
Fertility factor (F)
A type of transmissible (i.e., can enter other cells) plasmid that is often found in Escherichia coli (E. coli).