Category: F
Functional genomics
Study of, or discovery of, what traits/functions are conferred to an organism by given (gene) sequences. Typically, functional genomic study follows after discovery of gene sequences found via structural genomics study. Some methods utilized to determine which traits/functions result from which gene(s) are: Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM), to compare two same-species organisms possessing two different genes…
Mycotoxins that are primarily produced by the fungus Fusahum moniliforme.
Fumaric acid (C4H4O4)
A dicarboxylic organic acid produced commercially by chemical synthesis and fermentation; the trans isomer of maleic acid; colorless crystals, melting point 87°C (191 °F); used to make resins, paints, varnishes and inks, in food, as a mordant (dye fixer/stabilizer), and as a chemical intermediate. Also known as boletic acid. One of the organic acids in…
Fumarase (fum)
An enzyme that catalyzes the hydration (addition of hydrogen atoms) of fumaric acid to maleic acid, as well as the reverse dehydration reaction (removal of hydrogen atoms). An enzyme present in many plants and animals. It catalyzes the production of L-malic acid from fumaric acid.
Free energy
The component of the total energy of a system that can do work at a constant temperature and pressure. Also known as Gibbs free energy. Energy not trapped or used further; usually dissipated as heat.
Forward mutation
A mutation from the wild (natural) type to the mutant (type).
Formaldehyde dehydrogenase
An enzyme which catalyzes the oxidation of formaldehyde to formic acid (formate at intracellular pH). It requires NAD (i.e., nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide) as an electron acceptor. It is important in the metabolism of methanol.
A technique used by researchers to determine precisely where (on DNA molecule) certain DNA-binding proteins make specific contact with that DNA molecule. For example, certain types of drugs act by binding tightly to certain DNA molecules in specific locations (e.g., in order to halt cancerous growth of cells, etc.). A technique for identifying the site…
Food good manufacturing practice (FGMP)
The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) approval mechanism for a process to manufacture a given food or food additive. It is implemented instead of specific regulations (such as those used to dictate processes in simple food manufacture, as in beef packing), due to the newness of the technology, and may later be superceded (due to…
Fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACs)
A machine that is used to sort cells from a mixed group of cells (e.g., to remove only the cells into which a new gene has been inserted via genetic engineering techniques). The desired cells are first labeled with a specific fluorescent dye, then passed through a flow chamber that is illuminated by a laser…