Category: F
Fine needle aspiration (FNA)
A test that involves passing a small needle into the thyroid gland and sucking out or aspirating a small sample of tissue for examination under the microscope. This technique often avoids the need for surgery in patients who have a thyroid nodule. The extraction of tissue or cellular suspensions using a fine needle is commonly…
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Constriction or constrictions of an artery supplying the kidney that can lead to impaired blood supply to the kidney, with subsequent release of renin and development of hypertension. Abnormal development of the fibrous and muscular walls of an artery, resulting in impaired blood flow or stenosis. It is most often found in the renal arteries…
Fern allies
Colloquial term used to describe other seedless vascular plants that are not ferns, generally now considered simply as ferns or lycopods.
Having fine or threadlike foliage.
In a tight cluster.
Animal that feeds on fruit as its preferred food type.
Fruit body
The organized reproductive structure of a fungus that produces spores, such as the mushroom, coral, polypore, cup, perithecium, and so on.
(Of universal veil) Breaking up readily, crumbling. Easily broken up into small pieces.
Fairy ring
Ring of mushrooms growing from the periphery of a radially spreading, underground mycelium.
Occurring with great intensity; refers to severe pain with sudden onset. In medicine, severe. Referring to a dangerous disease which develops very rapidly. Occurring with suddenness and severity (e.g., disease, pain, fever). Describing a medical incident that unfolds swiftly and forcefully, characterized by its severity and potential for fatality. The English term originates from the…