Category: F
Collection of herbs and foods from the wild.
A miniature greenhouse, designed mainly for propagation. The traditional style is an enclosed bed with wood to a height of around 16 in (about 40 cm) with an old window across the top. A hot frame is heated, a cold one not. The particular size and shape of someone’s body. A miniature greenhouse, designed mainly…
A cluster of flowers, which may be so compact as to look like a single flower, as in a daisy. As used in this guide, a dense and continuous group of flowers, without obvious branches or space between them; used especially in reference to the aster family (Asteraceae). A cluster of flowers, which may be…
Fibrous root
A fine, young root, usually one of very many. These are the roots that take up moisture and nourishment from the soil. A fine, young root, usually one of very many. These are the roots that take up moisture and nourishment from the soil.
Fan palm
A palm with roughly circular (palmate) leaves, so called because they can be used to make fans. A palm with pinnate leaves is called a “feather palm.” A palm with roughly circular (palmate) fronds or leaves, the ribs radiating from the end of the supporting stalk, like those of an old-fashioned hand fan. Most palms…
F1 hybrid
A hybrid strain created by pollinating two very carefully selected parents. The resulting seedlings usually show great vigor and uniformity and many strains of annuals and vegetables are F1 hybrids. It is useless to save seeds from these, as the original cross must be made afresh every time seed is wanted. The first generation offspring…
Fan leaf
Large, iconic leaf with long, pointy fingers on the outside of the plant. Fan leaves contain very little THC but, depending on the cultivar, can be high in CBD.
Fen carr
Boggy woodland developed over fen by invasion of shrubs and trees.
A plant community on base-rich, often alkaline and calcareous, wetland dominated, not by Sphagnum mosses and Heath family members (as in a bog), but by Dicotyledonous herbs, Sedges and Grasses, etc. A specialized wetland permanently supplied with mineralized groundwater.
The drooping outer perianth segments in an Iris flower. To drop accidentally to the floor, ground, or lower level (e.g., into a chair).