Category: F
In biology or zoology, the animal life in a given geographic area, flora.
Fault tree
In safety epidemiology, used after an accident occurs. Traces back to find what was the initial cause or causes of an accident.
Fatty liver
The result of the liver metabolizing alcohol instead of fat. When alcohol is oxidized by the liver, there is a release of excess amounts of hydrogen and the cells make use of this hydrogen instead of the fatty acids. As the fat is not oxidized, it is deposited in the liver. Once excess amounts of…
Fatigue fracture
A fracture in which the bone breaks because of repeated stress that can no longer be tolerated by that particular bone can involve bones of the foot or leg.
Father of medicine
Hippocrates of Cos.
Father of hygiene
Roger of Salerno.
Fat-free mass
Lean body mass. The lean body mass plus the skeletal mass.
Fast-twitch fibers
A type of muscle cells especially suited for anaerobic activities.
In pathology, the climax of a disease. The highest temperature during a bout of fever.
Fast foods
Convenience of foods. Commercially available, ready-to-eat meals (such as hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, fried chicken, or French fries) with a high fat content, little fiber, and minimal quantities of vitamins or calcium.