Category: F
Fluid pressure in the blood vessels generated by the pumping action of the heart. The action of passing a liquid through a filter. To strain or separate by passing liquid through a device to separate wanted from unwanted substances, as in dialysis. The addition of sheets of metal into a beam of x rays, altering…
Filth-borne disease
Disease spread by germs transmitted through excretions.
Filial piety
An unusual love and honor for parents.
In Mendelian inheritance, designating a generation or generations successive to the parental generation.
Figure-ground organization
The separation of the visual field into a part that stands out against the rest of the field.
Figural afterffect
An apparent distortion of a figure following prolonged inspection.
Flght, flight reaction
Physiological responses in which hormones cause an increase in heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and perspiration, flight reaction; fight reaction. A classification of defense mechanisms manifest in aggressive behavior: flight reaction. A classification of defense mechanisms manifest in withdrawal or passive behavior, fight reaction.
Fieldwork experience
In education, a learner- centered method in which students spend part of their day working in a health-related community agency. The experience should result in students developing an appreciation for the health occupation, increasing their knowledge of the health problems, and the ways they are handled by the agency. Most importantly, students provide a community…
Field trip
In education, may be used to broaden the learner’s view of the community and the world in general should be planned by the teachers and learners together with an opportunity for students to share their experiences upon return to class. A is basically a learner observational method.
Field theory
Lewin’s theory that the way in which people represent their world psychologically is the primary determinant of their actions, and that social behavior is a function of both intrapersonal factors and the environment.