Category: F
Focused interview
Interview in which the respondent is allowed to set the initial course but increasingly focuses on the researcher’s agenda as the interview progresses.
Focal seizures
Seizures that affect specific motor, sensory, and psychomotor functions, focal motor seizures. Transitory disturbance in motor or sensory function, such as lip smacking, a tingling feeling, or convulsions in a certain body part, caused by abnormal electrical activity of nerve cells in a particular localized area of the brain; a limited form of epilepsy.
Focal motor seizure
A seizure that emanates from a particular area of the brain that governs or controls various motor functions, focal seizures.
Focal lesion
A lesion in a particular area of the body.
Fly ash
Particulates of soot and dust in the air.
Fly agaric mushroom
Amanita muscaria, a hallucinogen mushroom that is also considered toxic.
The act of examining by means of a fluorescent screen. The use of a fluoroscope. An examination of the body using X-rays projected onto a screen. A type of radiography in which X-rays are used to give not still pictures, but moving ones. Fluoroscopy is especially useful as a guide to the physician in certain…
An instrument similar to an X-ray machine that is used to observe directly various structures of the body without taking a picture on film, fluoroscopy. An apparatus which projects an X-ray image of a part of the body onto a screen, so that the part of the body can be examined as it moves. An…
A gaseous chemical compound that contains fluorine. Any of several chemical compounds of fluorine and carbon, which, because of their ability to carry large amounts of oxygen, may become useful in artificial blood for humans who cannot have, or refuse for religious reasons, transfusions of human blood. A general term for a hydrocarbon in which…
Fluid intelligence
The ability to deal with essentially new problems, crystallized intelligence.