Category: F

  • Food and nutrition board

    A member of the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Established in 1940, this board serves as an advisory body to the federal government relative to food and nutrition. The reviews and revises periodically the table of Recommended Daily/Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for specific nutrients essential for the maintenance of health for Americans.  

  • Food additive amendments

    A series of amendments to the Pure Food and Drag Act designed to ensure safety of food additives.  

  • Fomite

    A contaminated object. A lifeless entity capable of transmitting pathogenic microorganisms.  

  • Follow-up study

    A research procedure whereby individuals observed in an earlier investigation are contacted at a later time for further observation.  

  • Follow-through procedures

    Processes used to check on the outcome of a referral of a person for further diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or condition.  

  • Follicular phase

    Preovulatory phase.  

  • Follicle-stimulating hormone

    A hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland stimulates the primary graafian follicles to develop to the point of ovulation. It also stimulates the development of the seminiferous tubules and maintains the process of spermatogenesis. A hormone produced by the pituitary gland which stimulates ova in the ovaries and sperm in the…

  • Folk medicine

    Treatment of disease traditionally practiced by lay persons within a cultural or subcultural context. Any medical treatment that relies on popular tradition, like the charming of warts or the use of copper bracelets to alleviate rheumatism, is considered a form of alternative medicine.  

  • Folie a duex

    A psychotic interpersonal relationship involving two people who become psychotic with similar symptomatology.  

  • Focus group

    In research, a panel, selected to be representative of a population, interviewed on a topic of interest. Probes determine the popularity of various comments and points of view and the depth of feeling toward them. There may also be trials of material to determine how the panel’s reactions could be changed. A discussion group of…