Category: F
Fused joint
A joint that forms a solid, immobile, bony structure.
Fused curriculum
In education, the attempt to organize curriculum around a smaller number of subjects. It merges similar subjects into larger units of learning. A type of curriculum in which some courses are taught jointly, such as literature and history.
In anatomy, to unite or join together, fused joint; fusion. To join together to form a single structure, or to join two or more things together. A safety device consisting of a strip of wire made from easily meltable metal of predetermined conductance. The metal melts, breaking the circuit when excess current passes through. Prevents…
In psychology, behavior characterized by transitory outbursts of excitement or anger during which the person may be dangerous. Indiscriminate violence and destructiveness, occurring especially during a period of mental confusion due to epilepsy. Extremely violent outbursts of anger, often without provocation.
A filamentous plant that lacks chlorophyll. An organism such as yeast or mould, some of which cause disease. Fungi, one of a group of simple plantlike organisms, including mushrooms and yeasts, some of which cause disease (fungal infection). A microbe vegetable organism that subsists on molds and other living matter. Some fungi can cause disease.…
In anatomy, the bottom or base of an organ. The top section of the stomach, above the body of the stomach. Fundi, base of a hollow organ; that part of a structure farthest from Its opening, as the inside of the eye farthest from the pupil, or the wide end of the uterus opposite the…
Fundamental tone
In the science of sound, the lowest tone in a complex tone, overtone.
A person who adheres to a very strict and literal interpretation of a particular set of religious beliefs.
Fundamental attribution error
In research, the tendency to disregard the effects that situations have on people’s actions and to focus instead on people’s personal disposition.
Functional skill
The ability to apply appropriately the concepts of planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling the operation of a management system.