Category: F
Fibrin producing.
Deficiency of the plasma protein that converts to fibrin.
Dissolution of plasma protein that converts to fibrin.
Causing formation of fibrin.
An enzyme that influences the clotting of protein.
Composed of fibrin and cells, as in certain exudates.
The study of the future, including global concerns and more regional or local matters.
Future shock
A term coined by Alvin Toffler that refers to the accelerated pace of change and to the disorientation of people who are unable to adapt to altered norms, institutions, and values.
Future-oriented managers
Managers who attempt to create their own future whenever possible, and adapt to this future, when necessary, through a continuous process of research about the future, long-range planning, and setting objectives.
Fusiform aneurysm
An aneurysm characterized by a bulging on both sides of a blood vessel, aneurysm, sacculated aneurysm. Spindle-shaped protrusion on an artery. Aneurysm in which all the walls of a blood vessel dilate more or less equally, creating a tubular swelling.