Category: E

  • Ectogenous

    Conditions produced from sources outside of the body; disease that is caused by events outside the body such as infections or traumatic injury. Originating outside a body or structure, as infection. Able to grow outside the body, commonly in reference to parasites or microorganisms.  

  • Echogenic

    Characteristic of body tissues that resonate echoes of sound which are captured under ultrasound examination. Capable of producing echoes, i.e., of intensely reflecting sound waves rather than transmitting them. In ultrasound scanning, the term “echogenic” is used to describe a structure that produces reflections (echoes) of ultrasound waves.  

  • Eye strain

    Tiredness of the eyes brought about by pro-longed close work or occurring in a person with an uncorrected eye problem; symptoms are aching and burning of the eyes, often accompanied by headache; also called asthenopia. Tiredness in the muscles of the eye with a headache, which may be caused by an activity such as reading…

  • Extroversion

    Directing of feelings and interests toward external things and the outside world rather than toward oneself; the person so inclined is an extrovert. Also called extraversion. An enduring personality trait characterized by interest in the outside world rather than the self. People high in extroversion (extroverts), as measured by questionnaires and tests, are gregarious and…

  • Extrication

    Process whereby a victim is freed from entrapment, such as wrecked motor vehicle, a collapsed hole in the ground, a building destroyed by an earthquake.  

  • Externalize

    In psychology, to turn inner problems outward and express them in social relationships. ln surgery, to provide exposure to the outside.  

  • External ear

    Outer structure of the ear, consisting of the fleshy auricle and the canal (external acoustic meatus) leading to the tympanic membrane (eardrum). The portion of the ear consisting of the auricle and external auditory canal, and separated from the middle ear by the tympanic membrane or eardrum.  

  • Expander

    Substance that increases the size, volume, or quantity of another substance (e.g., plasma expander, used to add to blood plasma volume in emergencies). Something that increases the size, volume, or amount of something.  

  • Exhaustion

    Extreme fatigue; complete lack of energy. A state of extreme fatigue or weariness; loss of vital powers; inability to respond to stimuli. Exhaustion refers to a state of severe mental or physical fatigue, leaving a person devoid of energy. This condition could stem from excessive activity or long-standing insomnia, which is characterized by trouble falling…

  • Ewing’s sarcoma

    Malignant tumor developing in bone marrow, usually in long bones or the pelvis; it occurs most often in adolescent boys and produces pain, swelling, and an increase in white blood cells. Treatment is by radiotherapy and surgical removal (sometimes amputation). Also called Ewing’s tumor. A malignancy of the bones of the extremities and shoulder girdle,…