Category: E

  • Electrokymography

    The technique of recording the movements of an organ, especially the heart, by means of a fluoroscope and a photoelectric recording system.  

  • Eisenmenger reaction

    A condition in which pulmonary hypertension is associated with a septal defect, so that blood flows from the right to the left side of the heart or from the pulmonary artery to the aorta. This allows blue blood, poor in oxygen, to bypass the lungs and enter the general circulation. This reduces the oxygen content…

  • Eikonometer

    An instrument for measuring the size of images on the retina of the eye. An optical instrument used in detecting aniseikonia.  

  • Effort syndrome

    A condition of marked anxiety about the condition of one’s heart and circulatory system. This is accompanied by a heightened consciousness of 1 heartbeat and respiration, which in turn is worsened by the anxiety it induces. Treatment is commonly with reassurance and tranquilizers; psychotherapy is only occasionally necessary. Also known as Da Costa’s syndrome, this is…

  • Edrophonium

    A drug that stimulates skeletal muscles. It is administered by injection in a test for diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Side effects can include nausea and vomiting increased saliva flow, diarrhea, and stomach pains.  

  • Ectopic beat

    A heart beat due to an impulse generated somewhere in the heart outside the sinoatrial node. Ectopic beats are generally premature in timing; they are classified as supraventricular if they originate in the atria and ventricular if they arise from a focus in the ventricles. They may be produced by any heart disease, by nicotine…

  • Ectomorphic

    Describing a body type that is relatively thin, with a large skin surface in comparison to weight.  

  • Echography

    The technique of using ultrasound waves to map out and study the internal structure of the body. Ultrasound waves are reflected to different degrees by different structures within the body. The visual recording of these reflected waves is called an echogram. The use of ultrasound to image the echo produced when sound waves are reflected…

  • Echoacousia

    A false sensation of echoing after normally heard sound.  

  • Echinococcus

    A genus of small parasitic tapeworms that reach a maximum length of only 8 mm. Adults are found in the intestines of dogs, wolves, or jackals. If the eggs are swallowed by man, who can act as a secondary host, the resulting larvae penetrate the intestine and settle in the lungs, liver, or brain to…