Category: E

  • Endomorphic

    Describing a body type that is relatively fat, with highly developed viscera and weak muscular and skeletal development.  

  • Encephaloid

    Having the appearance of brain tissue: applied to certain tumors, for example encephaloid carcinoma of the breast. A form of cancer which, to the naked eye, resembles the tissue of the brain. Resembling the cerebral substance.  

  • Enamel organ

    The part of the tooth germ that is concerned with the formation of the enamel. It contains ameloblasts and forms a cap over the dental papilla. A cup-shaped structure that forms on the tooth buds of an embryo. It produces the enamel and serves as a mold for the remainder of the tooth.  

  • Emetine

    A drug used to treat infections of the liver, bowel, and intestine caused by amebas, including amebic dysentery. It is administered by injection, which may be painful, and irritates the stomach lining and other mucous membranes. A powdered white alkaloid emetic obtained from ipecac. A medication obtained from ipecacuanha, employed in the therapy of amebic…

  • Embryotomy

    The cutting up of a fetus during difficult birth by means of an instrument called an embryotome, in order to aid delivery and reduce the danger to the mother.  

  • Embryonic disk

    The early embryo before the formation of somites. It is a flat disk of tissue bounded dorsally by the amniotic cavity and ventrally by the yolk sac. The formation of the primitive streak and archenteron in the embryonic disk determines the orientation of the embryo, which then becomes progressively elongated. An oval disk of cells…

  • Embedding

    The fixing of a specimen within a mass of firm material in order to facilitate the cutting of thin sections for microscopical study. The embedding medium, e.g. paraffin wax for light microscopy or Araldite for electron microscopy, helps to keep the specimen intact. In histology, the process by which a piece of tissue is placed…

  • Elutriation

    The separation of a fine powder from a coarser powder by mixing them with water and decanting the upper layer while it still contains the finer particles. The heavier coarse particles sink to the bottom more rapidly. The separation of insoluble particles from finer ones by decanting of the fluid.  

  • Electron transport chain

    A series of enzymes and proteins in living cells through which electrons are transferred, via a series of oxidation-reduction reactions. This ultimately leads to the conversion of chemical energy into a readily usable and storable form. The most important electron transport chain is the respiratory chain, present in mitochondria and functioning in cellular respiration. The…

  • Electronarcosis

    The induction of sleep by passing weak electrical currents through the brain. It is seldom used in Western psychiatry. A state of profound slumber induced through the use of electrical currents.