Category: E

  • Epineural

    Derived from or situated on the neural arch of a vertebra. Located on a neural arch of a vertebra.  

  • Epimenorrhea

    Menstruation at shorter intervals than is normal. Experiencing multiple menstrual cycles within a single month.  

  • Epidiascope

    An apparatus for projecting a greatly magnified image of an object, such as a specimen on a microscope slide, on to a screen.  

  • Epidermoid

    Having the appearance of epidermis (the outer layer of the skin): used to describe certain tumors of tissues other than the skin.  

  • Epicranius

    The muscle of the scalp. The frontal portion, at the forehead, is responsible for raising the eyebrows and wrinkling the forehead; the occipital portion, at the base of the skull, draws the scalp backward. The broad muscle that covers the top of the skull and consists of the occipitalis and frontalis.  

  • Ephebiatrics

    The branch of medicine concerned with the common disorders of children and adolescents.  

  • Entertopexy

    A surgical of operation in which part of the intestine is fixed to the abdominal wall. This was formerly performed for visceroptosis, a condition in which the abdominal organs were thought to have descended to a lower than normal position, but it is no longer carried out.  

  • Enteromegaly

    Rare, enlargement (usually increased diameter) of the intestine.  

  • Entamoeba

    A genus of widely distributed amebas, of which some species are parasites of the digestive tract of man. E. histolytica invades and destroys the tissues of the intestinal wall, causing dysentery and ulceration of the gut wall, and the parasite may spread to the liver, where it produces an abscess. E. coli is a harmless…

  • Endothermic

    Describing a chemical reaction associated with the absorption of heat.