Category: E

  • Esophoria

    A type of squint in which the eye, when covered, tends to turn inward toward the nose. The tendency of visual lines to converge.  

  • Esophagotomy

    Surgical opening of the esophagus (gullet) in order to inspect its interior or to remove or insert something. A surgical incision into the esophagus.  

  • Esophagostomy

    A surgical operation in which the esophagus (gullet) is opened onto the neck. It is usually performed after operations on the throat as a temporary measure to allow feeding. Surgical formation of an opening into the esophagus.  

  • Esophagocele

    Protrusion of the lining (mucosa) of the esophagus (gullet) through a tear in its muscular wall.  

  • Erythron

    That part of the blood-forming system of the body that is directed toward the production of red blood cells. The erythron is not a single organ but is dispersed throughout blood-forming tissue of the bone marrow. The blood as a body system including the circulating red cells and the tissue from which they originate.  

  • Erythrocytic

    Describing those stages in the life cycle of the malarial parasite that develop inside the red blood cells.  

  • Erythritol

    A drug that has a mild prolonged action in reducing blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and is used to treat hypertension and angina. It is administered by mouth and high doses may cause flushing, headache, fainting, and increased heart rate.  

  • Erysipelothrix

    A genus of Gram-positive nonmotile rod-shaped bacteria with a tendency to form filaments. They are parasites of mammals, birds, and fish. E. rhusiopathiae is a widely distributed species causing the disease erysipelas in swine, which is transmissible to man.  

  • Ergotamine tartrate

    A drug that causes constriction of blood vessels and is used to relieve migraine. It is administered by mouth, injection, inhalation, or in suppositories. Common side-effects are nausea and vomiting, and ergotism may develop as a result of high doses.  

  • Ergometrine

    A drug that stimulates contractions of the womb. It is administered by injection to assist labor and to control bleeding following delivery. An active constituent of ergot, it has a powerful action in controlling the excessive bleeding from the uterus which may occur after childbirth. The official British Pharmacopoeia preparation is ergometrine maleate. Ergometrine is…