Category: E

  • Ethyl biscoumacetate

    An anticoagulant drug used to prevent blood clotting. It is administered by mouth and may cause nausea and vomiting, hair loss and skin rash.  

  • Ethotoin

    An anticonvulsant drug used, usually in conjunction with other anticonvulsants, to treat grand mal epileptic fits. It is administered by mouth; side-effects can include digestive and visual disturbances and drowsiness.  

  • Ethopropazine

    A drug that has effects similar to those of atropine and is used to treat parkinsonism. It is administered by mouth and may cause lethargy and drowsiness in the early stages of treatment.  

  • Ethisterone

    A synthetic female sex hormone used, often in combination with an estrogen, to treat menstrual disorders, particularly amenorrhea. It was formerly used in hormone pregnancy tests. It is administered by mouth.  

  • Ethinamate

    A mild sedative used to treat insomnia. It is administered by mouth and may cause digestive discomfort. A drug used to treat tuberculosis, usually in conjunction with other drugs. It is administered by mouth or in suppositories. Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting are common side-effects.  

  • Ethebenecid

    A uricosuric drug used to treat gout and other conditions involving high blood levels of uric acid. It is administered by mouth and may cause skin rashes, digestive discomfort, and sedation.  

  • Ethchlorvynol

    A drug used to treat insomnia. It is administered by mouth; side-effects include temporary giddiness, muscle incoordination, nausea, and vomiting.  

  • Ethamivan

    An analeptic drug that stimulates breathing and is used to treat reduced or abnormal breathing, particularly in newborn babies and in cases of drug over-dosage. It is administered by mouth or injection; high doses may cause restlessness, sneezing, and gasping.  

  • Estrone

    One of the female sex hormones produced by the ovary. An estrogenic hormone found in the urine of pregnant women and mares. Also prepared synthetically, it is used in the treatment of estrogen deficiencies. It is less active than estradiol but more active than estriol. Estrone is an estrogen hormone. Synthetic estrone is utilized to…

  • Espundia

    A disease of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the parasitic protozoan Leishmania braziliensis. Occurring in South and Central America, espundia takes the form of ulcerating lesions on the arms and legs; the infection may also spread to the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, causing serious destruction of the tissues.