Category: E

  • Electroneurodiagnostic technologist

    An allied health professional for whom the American Medical Association’s Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation (CAHEA) has accredited education programs.  

  • Elderly

    Somewhat old; past middle age. The term refers to a person’s chronological age, not their physical or mental condition. Elder simply means older. Generally, statutes define elderly as individuals who are 65 years of age or older.  

  • Education department

    The department of the institution responsible for arranging and coordinating education and training programs (both inservice and continuing education) for employees, employee orientation and, in some circumstances, community health education programs and patient education programs.  

  • Ebola disease

    African hemorrhagic fever. A disease, first recognized in 1967, caused by the Ebola virus, a virus somewhat resembling physically the rabies virus, but of a different family of viruses. The case-fatality rate is high. Epidemics have occurred in Zaire and the Sudan in recent years. The spread of infection has been controlled by isolation and…

  • Eyeground

    The inside of the eye as seen through an ophthalmoscope; the ocular fundus.  

  • Extraembryonic coelom

    The cavity, lined with mesoderm, that surrounds the embryo from the earliest stages of development. It communicates temporarily with the coelomic cavity within the embryo (peritoneal cavity). Late in pregnancy it becomes almost entirely obliterated by the growth of the ‘amnion, which fuses with the chorion. In humans, the cavity in the developing blastocyst that…

  • Extractor

    An instrument used to pull out a natural part of the body, to remove a foreign object, or to assist delivery of a baby.  

  • Exteriorization

    A surgical procedure in which an organ is brought from its normal site to the surface of the body. This may be done as a temporary or permanent measure; for example, the intestine may be brought to the surface of the abdomen. The process is also sometimes used in physiological experiments on animals.  

  • Exsiccation

    Drying up, as may occur in tissues deprived of an adequate supply of water during dehydration or starvation.  

  • Expansion

    The pushing outward of one or more teeth into a better position by a dental appliance.